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Zhecheng Hong Xin Machinery Factory
Fornitore multi-specialità
Prodotti principali: Macchina per la pulizia delle valigette intestinali, macchina per sbucciare il sesamo, trituratrice in espansione di cartone, freno a lino, macchina per la trebbiatrice del grano
Classificato n.1 tempi di risposta rapidi in Macchine per la produzione di pennelliSample-based customizationMinor customizationFull customizationAnnual export US $1,322,000


 ◀ Cardboard box shredder 



This cardboard box shredder is a new developed environmental products . It produce packing filler materials by using old cardboard boxes,save money on packing material and help the environment by recycling.




 ▶ Cow intestines cleaner 



The machine is full made of 304 stainless steel, including the body, rubber covered roller and scraper. It is designed new and compact, easy to operate and high capacity.It can be used for pork intestine,sheep intestine,cow intestine,etc





 ◀ Green banana peeler 



This machine can perfectly peel bananas of any curvature, bananas of any size, and bananas of any shape, and the peeling speed is fast and the effect is good. It is a must-chosen product for banana processing plants.